Category: Family Finances

Family Finances

Money Problems and Marriage Stress

God can use this time of uncertainty and crisis as an opportunity to expose and bring to light financial struggles with your spouse. Now is the time to press into these issues and experience real freedom and healing.

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Family Finances

Financial Clarity Step 1: Write It Down

Scripture is full of examples of God’s people bringing their sin, fears and hardships before the Lord. Entire books of the Bible are dedicated to writing down events, prayers and answered prayers from the Lord.

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Family Finances

Financial Clarity Step 2: Share Your List

This article will take a deeper look into the second of the four steps for financial health – Share Your List. You may be wondering why on a marriage site, dedicated to oneness, this even needs to be a step. Shouldn’t that..

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Family Finances

Financial Clarity Step 3: Take Action

It’s time to put your money where your mouth is…let’s take action! Spending, saving, giving, taxes and debt repayment are the five broad categories needed for your budget review. God actually addresses these 5 ..

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